This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

the war debate

I saw that there would be a story featured about how the war debate is affecting our troops, and i took a second to put in my 2 cents. Some of you may disagree with me, and if so don't reply with more problems... reply with a solution, let's be civil here.
Click on the comment to see what i posted.


Blogger Tigre said...

Here is what i posted...
The debate that is ongoing in Washington is a repeat of history. One side is claiming there is justification, while the other is trying to make the case for war unjust and wrong. If those trying to change the justice this war has brought, justice in terms of outting Saddam and bring freedom to the millions, if they win we will repeat history. The people will say that they fought and died in a pointless meaningless war, one they didn't agree with. Our troops will come home to no welcome, rather a society trying to forget and move on. The basic facts that millions are free and an evil man is being tried cannot be changed, there is hope. No one side can change history; no bickering or traitor calling should stand in the way of the honor our troops have earned. Senator Kerry was saddened by the lack of welcome when he returned home, but now the role is reversed. He is the politician, we are the fighters ,and his rhetoric will bring brave bloodied men home in shame they have no earned.

11:29 AM

Blogger risen_soul said...

Yup, if we pull out now there will be a new dictator back in Iraq within a year or two. We need to finish what we started, both for the Iraqi people and for our soldiers who died to free them!

12:21 PM


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