This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

webstormed joins allies vs Iran nukes!!!!!!!!

by order of webstormed military command, webstorm will join the allies denouncing Iran's nuclear ambitions. We believe diplomacy is failing and are prepared to do whatever it takes to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. You can tell by the many exclamation marks that we're serious...this time. by the order of the commander to webstorm's department of intelligence, the webstorm monkeys are to increase covert operations in Iran to keep us up to date, and in turn all of the readers. the monkeys are to blend in and obtain information through coersion, observation, and even seduction...whatever it takes!


Blogger Zen Wizard said...

I see absolutely no problem with them blending in with the general Iranian population, if covert reconnaissance is needed.

3:00 PM

Blogger Rockantzy said...

I thought I ate those monkeys a while back, well I guess you have an infinite supply. May they rock Iran!

9:52 PM


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