This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tiajuana pics...finally

here are those "long awaited" pics from Tiajuana. these are me and the bros getting hammered, and then some random ladies we met.


Blogger Zen Wizard said...

Looks like fun.

I can only imagine what the burro show must have been like.

1:36 PM

Blogger Janelle said...

Looks like everyone had great time in Meheeco. How come the girl doesn't look that impressed to be with you though? Didn't pay her enough for posing in the pic?!?

3:18 PM

Blogger Gordon Strachan said...

Oooooh buuuuuurrrrnnn! Janelle, that's just harsh :D

That's a good Reservoir Dogs strolling shot at the bottom.

4:43 PM

Blogger Tigre said...

Janelle, i got be honest i don't remember that pic. When i arrived back in Vegas i looked at the pics on my camera. that pic and many more, i couldn't remember...too much cerveza! However, good burn indeed.

5:08 PM

Blogger Prash said...

Hello there,

I am back, shall read your posts ASAP,

PS> nice pics, dude

3:04 AM


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