correcting the left
i read a left leaning blog today, and all it said was that the right was bad and had no intention of any good. So i wrote them a cordial message, click the comment to see it.
This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.
Wow, i gotta say. You are very involved in the political process but you trash the pillars of Democracy. Democracy isn't about one side is right, rather it's about both sides wanting an overall good and disagreeing on how to come about it. You stereotype the right as a selfish greedy party that has no interest in overall good. I am a Conservative who is pro-choice until the 2nd Trimester, who supported Terri Schaivo's husband, and is for some social programs. If i were to take your approach on politics then i should characterize the left as an ignorant party who only wants to control America's tax money, and would rather raise your taxes and spend your money for you. I believe that the left wants good, and they believe that to come about it we should support programs that help those who need it, preserve the environment we live in, and give aid to those who need it. All very good ideas that would make the world a great place, except i, as a conservative, have a different approach. I think we should support the businesses that produce jobs and fuel the economy, keep people's taxes low so they can spend their own money, and stay involved in world affairs because after all we live in the world too and have sacrificed American lives for 100 years to keep the world safe. We both want a better good, i think my way more efficient, but that your way is good too. If i take your approach and reject the other side's proposal completely, then i would be trashing Democracy's foundation... Compromise. Compromise allows us to have a government that gives businesses tax cuts and spend billions a year on social programs, but now we should compromise on how much of each to spend on. Don't be a pessimist, because pessimism only leads to ignorant extremism. We ask the Arabs to look at both sides rather than one side, but most just ignore the request and accuse us of only doing bad. Does that sound familiar? As Americans we have the gift of education to allow us look at both sides, and make a decision rather than killing others to agree with you. Be civil, be open, be as American as you can since others have died to give us the right.
10:27 AM
Ironically the guy who responded to the comment refuses to compromise. He is an atheist gay dude, who hates the right. He said that religion should stay out of government because then his people would be forced to legally accept it, instead of tolerating it. I said..."wow, kinda like gay marraige. Those of us who are against it tolerate homosexuality because it's your choice. If they legalize gay marraige, in other words involve it in government and law, those of us who tolerate homosexuality would be FORCED to legally accept it since it would then be law. Sounds like you're kind of a hypocrit; the christian right has as much freedom of voice as you do. If you suppress those who believe, you will become those who this country has vowed to defy.
11:01 AM
Tigre said...
I know what goes on there is tough and painful, but where are the good things?
Friday, December 02, 2005 5:56:26 PM Don't even want to entertain that 'crap' --- you got Fox, Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity, give you all the so-called 'good news'.
3:08 PM
That's where media does us wrong, they can do social pieces on Clinton all day, and avoid the nasty parts of Bosnia, but never do pieces on Bush's social programs(like the one that has brought more minorities into home ownership than Clinton's admin). Watch how they do it... Marines story- Bush approval low... Torture by the CIA... next story economy strong... next story democrats want to reduce the deficit... notice the sequences.
4:00 PM
Tigre said...
That's where media does us wrong, they can do social pieces on Clinton all day, and avoid the nasty parts of Bosnia, but never do pieces on Bush's social programs(like the one that has brought more minorities into home ownership than Clinton's admin). Watch how they do it... Marines story- Bush approval low... Torture by the CIA... next story economy strong... next story democrats want to reduce the deficit... notice the sequences.
Clinton has been out of office for how long now? That's what your side always resorts to...."CLINTON"
You use it like an ace in the hole when you have NOTHING else to say.
Funny - Bush & Co are saying they bombed Iraq based on intelligence data that Clinton had (they just left out the part about it being several years old by the time they got around to using it).
10:20 PM
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