This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

barry, barry, not so scary...anymore

There have been so many people booing Barry Bonds wilhe he plays baseball. ESPN, Bonds's biatch, gave him his own show called 'Bonds on Bonds.' On the show, Bonds cried because he thouht everyone was being too hard on When you have your own area or chair in a club house, are an a-hole, and gets people traded of your team because you don't like them, is a smart ass to the US Congress, doesn't pay taxes on a few hundred thousand of income when you make millions, and are a straight up ass to anyone you can, then there is no such things as unfair. Baseball is investigating you, Congress is all over your ass now, and the IRS wants its money, and now baseball fans want to make sure your ass is treated like a cheater. That's my take on it, i love the game of baseball, and Barry cheated. Next, i want everyone to realize that the Yankees aren't good, they just have a lot of money and can buy whoever they want when they want them.


Blogger Janelle said...

This issue is pretty two-sided for me. Barry is my bro's all time favorite baseball player. Though I do think he has done some pretty seriously stupid stuff that no child should be looking up to him for. I find it hilarious that he would even cry about his own stupidity on national we are going to really feel sorry for him. Whatever Barry, your star has faded out.

11:08 AM


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