This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

another pro amnesty person being wrong

Well i read an article on from an writer in San Diego who doesn't understand why people think he leans left on his immigration stance. He tried to clearify it by saying that he believes Americans are racist against immigrants, that they're scraed that the immigrants are gonna take over the culture, and that Americans are hypocrits. Wow! He sure did clearify that shit! He doesn't lean left, he's a freakin moderate liberal who needs to get a good old reality check. If you want to read it Click Here. I tracked his email down and sent this to him....enjoy....

I read your article on CNN, and you question why some say you're left leaning. Then you try to explain where the misinterpretation is, but your explanation only further characterizes your stance as 'left leaning.' You say that there is racism involved in this immigration debate. While there is some, to small degree, you can't sit here and tell me that Joe America in Smallville, USA is racist. Joe is concerned about such a large number of undocumented people in his country. He concerned that his tax dollars are contributing to tens of billions of dollars for services and infrastructure for a population that mostly doesn't pay taxes(federal and state income), he does understand that they contribute to the economy. Most statistics, even thoughs shown on CNN just yesterday, shows that the tax dollars out number the contribution, and will only get worse. You can accuse Joe of being racist and afraid of 'Latinazation' all day, but when it comes down to it Joe wants done what should have been done. Why does the amnesty group overlook the violation of law? When a person's first act in America is breaking the law, i don't believe that they should be DEMANDING amnesty and love from Uncle Sam. I'll let you borrow Joe's ears so that you can hear from the amnesty group what he does. "Dear Uncle Sam, you hate me and i have no respect for your laws or rules. I love the money that your people give me, and the free services that you pay for. I've been here long enough, you have to give me citizenship now, i have a right to it. Also, i don't care that i broke the law or use your tax dollars." You talk about the contradictory 'keep out' and 'help wanted' signs. Let me clearify these for you. Anyone wishing to illegally enter this country, drain our tax dollars, and not pay for services and infrastructure you use KEEP THE HECK OUT OF AMERICA! Secondly, anyone wishing to do jobs Americans are not willing to do for the wages offered, and are willing to pay for the services and infrastructure you use, pay taxes, and try to not break the law please come here through an orderly process because HELP IS WANTED! Do not overlook facts Sir, do not deny Americans the right of justice that their children have died for, do not deny American tax payers accountable government, do not deny Joe America to the fair process he DOES HAVE THE RIGHT TO as an American citizen. American citizens are guaranteed the rights this country has to offer, immigrants are given those rights. Don't you dare tell Joe that those who broke the law will now enjoy the same privelages that he does as a citizen. A guest worker program is the right step, a fair and efficient immigration process for immigrants is the right step, guarding the border is the right step. I have earned my citizenship, and my parents filled out the necessary paperwork, went through the hassel, and waited a good bit of time to come here legally. You Sir are misinformed, maybe you should spend some time with Joe America; after all he was born and lives in the country that the immigrants want to be in. Thanks for your time. Please don't think that i am angry at you for your article, it is a freedom we have here, whether misinformed or not. I am only irritated that facts are overlooked.


Blogger Mackenzie said...

I love you in a webbity bloggy kind of way.

11:56 AM

Blogger Manny said...

You go tigre! Very well said my dear. I have always thought the first thing they do is break the law. I was starting to fear I was the only one who felt that way.

You dear are my hero!

3:23 PM

Blogger Zen Wizard said...

I hear in the Netherlands they are making immigrants take a 130 hour class and then a test on Dutch culture.

It's not racism per se; it's you gotta show a desire to assimilate or stay the f*** where you are.

The worst mistake of that Hispanic protest, IMHO, was all the Mexican flags waving.

5:32 PM

Blogger Janelle said...

Yeah for you Tigre!! You go brother!

8:47 PM

Blogger Manny said...

just hit your video below. I will have to get my nephew you to pull it up from his "my space"

You are hot!!!

4:45 AM


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