This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Friday, October 06, 2006

recovery. kind of!!!

lol, well i'm out of bed kind of. My stitches are healing, but it still hurts to walk. I see that everyone's sense of humor is well intact. I'm due back in camo to work next Tuesday. i'm doing much better, and hope to continue another great year of blogging. for those of you who remember our old blog friend Condi, we've given up our search for her...the monkeys couldn't find her. well next Tuesday i will be back to 100%! I'll have lots of pics to post from this Friday night, cause there's a lot to celebrate. my recovery from surgery, 1 year, and friday.


Blogger Dragonfly said...

hey glad to hear you´re feeling better..what did you have the surgery for?

3:50 AM

Blogger Tigre said...

It was a deposit of calcium that strangely attatched itself to the top of my hip. It has to go, the Doc said it was just a a wierd thing that sometimes happens.

7:52 AM


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