This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Friday, November 10, 2006

the rebirth of the voter

i very much lean to the right in terms of politics and most people realize that, but i am very open minded to the fact that the left is better at doing certain things. this election was the awakening of the American middle class to the elected officials... here's what they said...."dear Legislative branch, you've divided our districts, held lifetime seats, broken promises, lied, broken laws, and put our children in debt. Since you've claimed to be something you're not and become what you fought against we have taken the legislative trust across the aisle to the other side." I see 2 things happening. 1) the democrats misinterpret this as a sign that leftist policies are wanted and they swing the government way left. the voters wanted them to do what the republicans weren't, not to shift to the liberal left and they decide to vote right or independent. 2) the democrats use this chance to prove to America that they aren't a bunch of weak, tax raising, social communists liberals. they do this by reducing government spending and balancing the budget, keeping the tax breaks (but raising them slightly to offset the balance and help the middle class), and they come up with a comprehensive solution to get us out of Iraq while giving the Iraqi government a fighting chance to maintain stability. they do take the opportunity to lean policies slightly more left than normal but the voters don't too much care because it's not too much to the left. an era of democratic reign for 10 years will occur, until a democratic president does something wrong in foreign policy that makes the party look weak again....... i am happy with this election, and am glad that the republican party got its clocks cleaned pretty good. this will teach them for lieng to my fellow conservatives and use our vote. this will teach them for out of control spending, and this will teach them for being complacent. i want to say more, but i'll save the rest.


Blogger Manny said...

I tend to lean right myself, but I research both candidates before making a decision.

4:09 PM

Blogger Gordon Strachan said...

Wow, that's a very interesting analysis of the democrat's motives and position. Personally, my political stand point is predominantly left-wing, as in I think the entire concept of the british NHS is ideological perfect (whether it's maintained perfectly is a different matter) and I'm in general agreement with higher government intervention into civil liberty; however, the free-market is also a wonderful thing - to a point.

To be honest, from what I can gather, there is very little difference between both parties, the left is less left than before and vice versa with the right (this goes for British Labour and Conservatives) and I'm not convinced that voters really have woken up if all it means is that they are voting for the other major party on the basis that it is the lesser of two evils.

Until political systems in both Britain and America become considerably less a two horse race, (and the media as much as political activism is to blame) I don't think voting will be properly representative, which is a shame, but sadly people are happy with that for now.

5:27 PM


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