This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

the bet of the year

I wanted to annouce a bet with BigBill on the Falcons and Bears game this weekend. Whoever loses has to take a pic of themselves in panties and post it, this is how confident i am in my team... and i never have an excuse to try panties...ummm...i'm gonna go workout and fight some people now. Anyone who wants in on the bet is welcome, but remember there's no chickening out!


Blogger BigBill said...

Dude!! Panties? I don't even know if they make panties in my size!!!
I do however have a Thong made out of plaid... I guess that would represent a loss in the proper fashion bringing shame and embarrassment to the loosing team!! The Bet is on!!

11:12 AM

Blogger Tigre said...

Oh it's on like Donkey Kong, and he's on fire. My team is gonna bring some hurt. (No actual Giant Apes were hurt in the making of this post)

11:47 AM

Blogger Blondie... said...

It is a good thing I'm a girl. I won't play though because it is a given I wear panties...haha

Thanks for stopping by! I actually have had a lot of fun with your blog. lol


12:25 PM

Blogger Tigre said... if 'lol' means 'lots of lovin' then LOL back to yah.

12:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't wear panties.

2:22 PM


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