This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

brain test

Try this test. It shows you of just how your own brain works. Click on the comment button to see it.


Blogger Tigre said...


Count every "F" in the following text:



................. 3?

WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.

The reasoning behind is further down.

The brain cannot process "OF".

Incredible or what? Go back and look again!!

Anyone who counts all 6 "F's" on the first go is a genius.
Three is normal, four is quite rare.

Send this to your friends.
It will drive them crazy.! And keep them occupied
for several minutes..!

7:59 AM

Blogger Tonya said...

I counted all 6--but I've been given this test before. I know, I'm a cheater.

1:28 PM

Blogger Tigre said...

The man is always looking to trick us, hahahaha(evil laugh)

1:59 PM

Blogger EAPrez said...

Tigre said...

look at both sides and i will think you wise, indulge in just your own and i think you a fool no matter how much you say or claim to know. I am pro- Bush, but i hate his energy policy because it helps his oil buddies, i hate the corruption in the Republican party, and oil did have some to do with the war. You see, i look at both sides, and agree on both. Your ideas appear to be..' hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.' it gets repetetive after a while. I do like that you research your fact, however. I am a pro-choice Conservative who believes in Fiscal discipline and taking power back from big business. I have my ideals on both sides. You can do 2 things with this. 1. reply with mean insults and finger pointing and tell me just how i prove that my side is ignorant and that i'm just plain wrong. This choice by the way is a stereotypic left wing radical response(yes the left has radicals too) 2. You can look at what i said, decide how you feel, think about how i came to those conclusions, actually look at the other side without bias, and reply in a dignified manner.

EAPrez said...

Hmmmm what you mean to say is "POST" both sides not "LOOK AT" both sides because you don't know me and have no idea what I look at and don't look at. I pay VERY close attention to all sides....ESPECIALLY the DETAILS. Hence, the name of my blog.

This blog does not exist to post pro Bush or anti Bush items - it exists as an outlet to post stories which do not get much media attention. If the news were as "fair and balanced" as it claims to be - then trust me - I'd spend my time doing something else rather than posting to this blog.

I am rather confused by your comments... You say MY ideas are hate, hate, hate -- what ideas would that be exactly since 99% of the items on this blog are links to news stories. If what is posted appears repetative its because it is! I am not to blame for that. Each day brings forth more news of Republican corruption and how the policies of this administration are failed policies. How much more evidence does one need that the people in charge now do not care about the regular people of this country but are all about benefiting themselves?

If you hate the corruption in the Republican party - and since Bush is head of the party please explain why you are pro-Bush. Does that mean you are pro-corruption? Do you support the interests of corporations over the interests of regular people? If you belive in taking power back from big business then why do you support this president who is all about the business interests and have passed tons of legislation to shore up the intersts of businesses over people.

You said I could do two things ---- #1 is 'reply with insults' but there is nothing here for me to reply to because you haven't disputed any particular facts on the blog. Your comment is mostly an outline of your own beliefs...which is fine, there's just nothing for me to respond to. You're entitled to your beliefs. #2 you said was to look at what you said , etc. Actually, I believe most of the things you believe - I just think the other side advances those causes better than the side currently in power. I just don't understand how you can say you believe these things and yet support a president who is none of those things. In other words, you vote against your own intersts. THAT, I find interesting.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

4:36 PM

Blogger Rohan said...

TIGRe i COunted ol 6 ...i know we indians r born genius

11:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i counted 5 twice so it was gr8 :)

11:26 AM

Blogger josh williams said...

7 on the money!

3:18 PM


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