This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

update from the monkeys

the monkeys have been operational inside Iran for a little while now, and they've gotten close to some key figures. I was watching CNN and they had a clip from Al Jazeera of the Iranian president, guess who else i saw in it...check it out.

seems innocent enough

take a closer look!


Blogger Tigre said...

It's one of the monkeys.

2:24 PM

Blogger Zen Wizard said...

The monkey, curiously, does not seem to be attracting much attention.

It was probably wise of him not to wear his yarmulke and Star of David tie.

You trained him well...

12:39 PM

Blogger Visa Lisa said...

answer to what you saw on my blog: Try here instead where I don't write in Swedish...

12:59 PM

Blogger Triin said...

"whycan't i understand your english?" what does that mean??? maybe you don't understand my English because I don't write in English? eh?

Sincerely, Super

3:54 AM

Blogger Tigre said...

If you used the only acceptible internet language of english, then i could don't see me writing in Vulcan do you, eh? what the heck is "eh" anyways?..english. Translation "eh" to "huh"

7:39 AM

Blogger Triin said...

I write in Estonian because I want that only 1,4 million people in the world would understand what i'm writing. so that any other american couldn't read it. And for my opinion - more people should write in Vulcno.

But thanks for you very interesting remark. If I ever feel like starting a discussion on acceptable internet languages, I know where to turn!

PS. You never gonna understand "eh?" unless your Estonian :D

1:26 PM

Blogger Triin said...

sry, still don't get what's your problem. Just read blogs that are in english, or better jet quit reading after all... might cause yourself a braindamage :D
or just don't comment on them, it might look like you don't respect other cultures.
All the best,

2:27 AM

Blogger Tigre said...

You mean to tell me that there are other cultures than my culture, now your just plain pulling my leg.

1:30 PM


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