This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

concentration test

guys try out this test; it is supposedly difficult for guys to pass it. Click Here, seriously try this test


Blogger Rockantzy said...

Wow, way to be selfish!!! You could have provided the ladies with a link to their own concentration game there guy. Of course that would me that you would have to look for it, and when you find it, make sure that it is lady friendly, which would make you gay for looking.

Don't ask, Don't tell!

Actually come to think of it I dont think I have ever met a woman that could honestly say that they were turned on by "The Manhood". So in hindsight maybe you already found the ladies version of the concentration game and decided to be in tune with the ladies and spare them the pain.

Whatever the case, I rock...

5:07 PM

Blogger Tigre said...

You rock and roll at the same time.

7:34 AM

Blogger Gordon Strachan said...

I got it right... but I think I'm just lucky...

3:20 AM


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