This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

pics of the day

If you were these two, what exactly would be crossing your mind at this moment, seriously think about it.

no need for explanation on this one


Blogger Prash said...

For the first picture
What comes to my mind ?
I think, the first thing is about drinking the water through nose and mouth...because I have been drowned once when I was a kid. I hate it. I still remember the feeling.
I would be frustrated for not being able to move my hands and legs to run...then, I think I would wonder if I am going to die!!!Jesus! you have put idea into my head now...I stop it now.
For the second picture
Would be embrassed!!! OMG!!! Since I have a good one down is ok, on a second thought. héhéhéhéhé *wink* *laughs*

10:06 AM

Blogger Mackenzie said...

I'd be thinking damn this sand is a lot heavier than they first imagined.

11:09 AM

Blogger Zen Wizard said...

The first picture reminds me of "Tales from the Crypt--The Movie" in the vignette with Leslie Nielsen as the cuckholded husband who is planning a murder by burying a guy up to the neck as the tide comes in and out. In other words, it would be death by slow torture.

That was the stuff nightmares were made of--and these people are apparently doing it to themselves voluntarily.

As for the second--it looks like he kind of meant to do it.

3:05 PM

Blogger Farm Girl said...

Oh shit!

4:34 PM


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