This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

show ur colors

i'm gettin ready for the...dun..dun.duh..."Bet of the Year." or at least what remains left in the year.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey! Thanks for the kind words about my blog. Besure and check out my others tooif you get the chance.
I enjoyed looking at yours but I anin taking that bet!If I did though I think I would go with the Falcons, but...
Dicky Neely

1:13 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I mean't to say "aint takin" that bet!" Sometimes I just can't type!

1:14 PM

Blogger SHER said...

I've gotten my Chocolate Frappe. Have you gotten your Caramel Machiatto yet? :)

10:38 AM

Blogger BigBill said...


7:37 AM


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