This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Friday, June 23, 2006


OK, let me calm down.......a little more. OK. These SOB's from Montebello Highschool in California walked out of school as part of an immigration protest(though they couldn't name the law they were protesting, who wrote it, what comittee wrote it, etc). They pulled down the American flag, and put up the Mexican flag. Under the mexican flag they raised the US flag upside down and had a fiesta around the pole over it....calm yourself, then see pics below.


Blogger Mackenzie said...

If you don't have respect for a country...why the fuck would you come to it?

That hurts my feelings.

8:07 AM

Blogger Mackenzie said...

It's the same reason I wouldn't try and live in France or visit it right now. I have no respect for it.

Okay, I'm done.

Happy fucking Friday!

8:08 AM

Blogger Tigre said...

That's what i'm sayin, you're here but you would rather be there? You want to be in Mexico with the privelages of being an American in an American economy? Or, would you rather be here in wonderful, rich America with Mexican culture all around you? You can't have you cake and eat it, ese, so take your ass back to mexico. And if your response to that is 'we were born here,' then start acting like it you ungratefule fu#k. (Language somewhat bad, and to those who know me as a naive catholic boy...just bear with me).

8:45 AM

Blogger Mackenzie said...

Fuck man, you need to learn to watch your mouth.

Yes, what you said.

10:30 AM

Blogger Mackenzie said...

Evian water is naive spelled backwards. The more you know....

10:57 AM

Blogger Zen Wizard said...

Go back home to Mexico and drink a quart of tap water straight from the faucet, you ungrateful little shits!

I'm sorry--but property-owning citizens out of their largesse pay to educate these guys, and this is the thanks they get!!

6:41 PM

Blogger Prash said...

The flag thingy out there was audacious. A bit too much, I guess. Any country won't allow such an incident.

But, still I do not agree when people say 'if you don't have respect for a country ...leave it'

In France, the extreme right wing leader LePen says 'Love it or Leave it' (it = France). The question is, he is talking about all those blacks or north african arabs who are in france since 3-4 generations and they are more french then he himselves.

Instead of cleaning up world's mess, I think America should solve it's problems inside the country first. Why people do not talk about the 'push' these immigrants give to the american economy ? Very few democrats talked about it during the election....I do not hear it anymore. Maybe they are doing it...sitting in France, maybe i am unaware.

8:43 PM

Blogger Manny said...

I agree sweetie.

They want to be here so bad, but then all they do is disrespect us.

I don't care if they come in legally. It's thier blatant disrespect I don't like.

Then you have the 'bleeding hearts' crying 'don't offend them'

Well what about offending me?

I can over look a lot, but don't dare tell me that my God, my country, and my flag is offensive. I'll kick your little a--!

OK, must go calm down. Another cup of coffee should help.

3:50 AM

Blogger Tigre said...

while most Americans admit the contribution that they make to our economy, it is the disrespect for our culture, history, and symbols that irritates us. The mexicans do work that most Americans won't do for those wages... when they do it, the wages are brought down... then they look for other jobs and when the employers realize that so many mexicans want that job and will work for lower wages... they force out american workers, and hire mexican workers... this is the ripple effect feared in our economy. It's being felt from to ends..from the mexican laborer within, and the outsources of american jobs to the outside. The mexicans pay no income tax, we pay for the education, billions in medical, hundreds of millions in insurance claims, and now look at the situation. They want complete amnesty after getting here illegally, they want us to learn spanish(while many do already, we don't make mexicans in mexico learn to speak english), then they do stuff like waiving the mexican flag while demanding american rights(not necessarily rights, but privelages of being a citizen), and then the thing i posted about the flag. While i agree that they deserve the right to a PROCESS to become citizens, it seems to me that they're not acting like they really want to. Bases on their actions, and words... it would seem to me that they want the privelages of citizenship while not upholding the obligation of citizenship. Now you say that we should take care of our own problems... we are, and we're taking care of other people's problems that got so bad they affected us...terrorism(the world should have taken care of it, but the world body's inability to care for it lead the problem to come over onto our soil i.e. 9-11 so we're handling it now)

1:36 PM

Blogger Prash said...

The problem of Terorism, was not in Iraq. But still Bush Govt. decided to attak Iraq on false charges. I do agree that Saddam is not a saint and he is a killar instead. But You don't attack a country just like that, in the name of democracy. If at all, you do, then we get to see the double standards of Bush Govt. (I precise, Bush Govt.)...there are so many countries where democracy is not shining or doesn't even exist, but still this Govt. is friends with them...Hypocracy, double standards ...all in the name of wht ? American soldiers dying in the warfield ...taxpayer's money...

3:25 PM

Blogger Tigre said...

AS a conservative Republican, with a poli-sci major, and respect for the neo-conservative think tank, i will admit that There were other additional reasons we went into Iraq(key word being additional). #1. We knew after 9-11 that Al Qaeda was trying quickly to acquire chemical weapons, and so far Iraq and Iran both already possessed or at one time possessed them. Iraq was bluffing that they had them, but we at least knew that there were some. #2. A message needed to be sent to Islamic countries who support terrorism, and to the world of just how rathful America can be when attacked. Defeating the strongest military in the middle east with little justification or reason, and invading 2 countries back to back would send a good message. #3 We knew that both Iraq and Iran would have to be strictly watched from now on, since Al Qaeda would be on the hunt for weapons. So if we take Iraq, then Iran is covered on 2 borders by US Forces and would not be so quick to act(so we thought). #4 we knew that terrorism would take at least 10 years to defeat, and we needed a staging point for strategic operations in the middle east. #5 Oil. I will not say that oil was the biggest factor, but it was a factor for 2 reasons. First, it would put more oil on the market... helping the prices. Second, and MOST IMPORTANT, it would ensure that the reconsrtucting nation did not depend on American money for too long, but rather had a good source of income to maintain itself and military. #6 Sadaam was a bad guy, cruel, and we should have taken him 12 years prior. #7 Sadaam was bluffing the size of his weapons program on the hidden side, and we knew of not many, but a few Al Qaeda operatives in Iraq and truly could not risk letting the two ends meet. That's all i got, happy monday. At least now the world knows what happens when you wake a sleeping giant... you cut a very strong, angry, and grumpy asshole on the loose. We're not imperialists, nor do we want conquest of the world. Before 9-11 we didn't invade anyone without a reason(then again the reasons were because they either pissed of Europe or attacked one of our allies), but someone finally had the nerve to attack the mainland US, and go after innocent civilians. When you do that the American people just get very pissed off, but give us time and we'll cool down.

7:40 AM

Blogger Janelle said...

(me as a naive catholic girl) What the hell are they even doing here if they want mexican dominance so damn bad? It doesn't make any sense. You don't illegally flee into another country just to be wishing it was more like the country you just left. IDIOTS! Just like GW and his outragiously stupid fricken war. We shouldn't be there in the first place and now the poor guys fighting think they have to stay there and finish it because of the soldiers that have fallen. What the hell is wrong with people these days!

10:08 AM

Blogger Tigre said...

Hey, I'm one of those soldiers and i don't think it's a wrong war. The world view is so different from this side.

10:29 AM

Blogger Manny said...

I too am a Repulican baby. I helped vote Bush in and would do it again.

The only way that evil will prevail is for GOOD men and women to do nothing.

btw, I think we should hit Sudan next.

OK OK Granted, if left up to me I would probably just start WWIII

Did I say that? YES I DID !!!!

5:06 PM

Blogger Prash said...


8:00 AM


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