This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

my strategy for Iraq

well, i'm no politician but as an aspiring poli-sci major and American(which means i get to speak as if i have the credentials to support my opinion) i would like to give my 2 cents(1.64 Euros) on an eventual pull out. Here is my plan.........
1. Train a solid Iraqi intelligence agency
2. Simutaneously train Iraqi security forces
3. In phases transfer security to sections of the country to Iraqi forces
4. At the same time withdraw our troops in phases
5. Allow Iraqi intelligence to infiltrate the insurgency and let them start taking out insurgents from within
6. As the bodies of dead insurgents somehow appear in the streets every(out of no where), over flow the cities(in phases) with security forces
7. Offer big rewards for information leading to insurgents(the iraqis
8. After this process is played out all but 10-20,000 forces will have been withdrawn.
9. Maintain one base in the country(to the south very close to the Kuwaiti border) as a base of operation, as a reminder to Syria and Iran, and as incentive for Syria and Iran to end support for the insurgency so that we will completely leave.
10. While 9 is wishful thinking, i'm sure we'll retain a presence in Iraq regardless.
11. Braves have an awesome 2nd half win their 15 division title in a row, make the world series, and lose in 6 games.
12. Mike Vick and the Falcons win the Superbowl
13. The New York Mets realize that they're not good so the team is dismantled and the stadium turned into a parking lot for Yankee stadium.

THE END. For all of my liberal "friends"... i know you're going to tear this one apart, but please add your own ideas... i hate whining.


Blogger Prash said...

I ain't a politican.
I ain't a military man either.

I like your ideas. Maybe you should putforth these points to the republicans and the democrats...Maybe all the points are not easy...but I am sure some are quite interesting and should be considered.

You are right, we cannot pull out from Iraq so brutally now. Little by little, as you put it...I agree.

4:53 PM

Blogger Manny said...

Sounds like a plan to me.

2:09 AM

Blogger Zen Wizard said...

I started to lose the causal nexus about Number 11; but on a serious note, Iraqi's have to come to the realization that car bombs don't make the electricity come on, make the water come out of the tap, and fill potholes in the street.

And all of the OTHER boring shit that comes with actual government of a country.

And they need to get just as pissed as we are that assholes from Syria, Iran, etc. are sneaking across the border and trying to fill the power vacuum.

9:26 AM

Blogger Gordon Strachan said...

You should keep tabs on this, we could draw a step by step chart of where the administration is screwing up.

If I could I'd vote for you, sadly our governments aren't THAT democratic :)

9:28 AM

Blogger Mackenzie said...

Step 15. Blow the whole mother fucking place the fuck up and start from scratch. Just please avoid the oil wells. That is all.

9:36 AM

Blogger Tigre said...

Phrash- I agree that a pullout now would be almost as painful as a last second pull out from my girl.

j-love- Watch your back brother, thems fightin words...the Braves are like the greatest thing since macaroni(spell check) and cheese.

Blonde(the vigilante)- that was plan B, blow it. Then turn it into a huge parking lot(except the oil fields) and build a mega walmart in the very center!

Zen(the wizard)- they need to start taking some responsibility, i agree. They're being killed like they're fighting, so they might as well fight.

Nodders- the upcoming elections will send a strong message to my party that the conservative right won't be taken for fools.

10:46 AM

Blogger Rockantzy said...

The plan had me at "How are you Big Boy?" ...Oh maybe that wasn't part of the plan..
Where is the part where we feed the Iraqi Intelligence Cheezy-Poof Cremed Donuts? Everybody knows that Cheezy-Poof filled donuts are part of the regime of any good Intel Group.

Rock it..

4:16 PM

Blogger Manny said...

Tigre baby, hnt stands for half nekkid Thursday. Speaking of which, where is yours?!!!!!

5:44 PM

Blogger Nikita said...

*brain turns into jelly because niki's crap at politics and the like...*

4:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly you don't understand a thing.

7:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

don' t you think IRAQI people are the ones who must decides how Iraq is ruled ? Isn' t that supposed to be "democracy" ?

12:17 AM


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