This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

new allies

well, the webstormed congress has just informed me that it's time to reassess our list of allies. in order to maintain the highest levels of peace, communication, irrelevant postings, inappropriate pic posting, absurd factless comments, and friendship...I have devised a list a survey to ensure that all allies can be trusted. When webstormed needs help, we need to make sure our allies aren't too hung over all the time!

1) do you trust hippies?
2) john kerry or john mccain
3) if you don't who the people in number 2 are... ronald mcdonald or the KFC colonel
4) moderate, republican, democrat, or moron?
5) the braves rule. this isn't a question; rather a fact
6) freedom of speech or the New York time pretending it's using that freedom but actually trying to undermine the white house
7) who was to blame for the katrina disaster(not the post hurricane response)
8) which American icon do you like better jefferson or hamilton
9) if you didn't understand #8... who do you like better france or england
10) if you didn't undertand # 9 either... do you prefer being a pussy or a sophisticated ass kicker
11) should barry bonds be given credit if he breaks the record?
12) gay marraige, for or against it
13) what do you think of the webstormed monkeys? please look at the pic below before answering this.


Blogger Zen Wizard said...

Without getting all pseudo intellectual and technical, "ex post facto" is a concept that is in the Constitution, and was a reaction to the King of England targeting people he didn't like and passing laws AFTER they did something, and prosecuting them AFTER THE FACT.

Regarding Barry Bonds--it's my understanding that he took the steroids he is alleged to have taken--if in fact he took them--BEFORE THEY WERE ILLEGAL.

Crude analogy--suppose you are in City X. The City Council doesn't like you. You eat an ice cream cone on Sunday.

City X passes a law on Thursday, targeting YOU, that ice cream is illegal on Sunday and it is a Class 3 Misdemeanor, and you are prosecuted.

Again, that is a crude comparison but it seems that that is what we are suggesting is done to Barry Bonds.

9:01 AM

Blogger Gordon Strachan said...

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9:56 AM

Blogger Gordon Strachan said...

1) Are they naked hippies? I trust them.
2) John Kerry
3) Haha :) KFC Colonel
4) America has more than two parties?!
5) Uh, yeah, ok.
6) New York Times type sounds more fun.
7) Those friggin butterflies in China, flapping their wings with no consideration or compassion to the effect.
8) Clint Eastwood
9) France - I'm Scottish ;)
10) Hmm, that's a tough one...
11) Well ok, give him the credit, but no appearances on David Letterman or something like that...
12) Gay marriage is super fun, I'm for it.
13) Firmer leashes, but they are definitely working that hairdo.

9:58 AM

Blogger Mackenzie said...

How do I get in touch with that monkey?

12:20 PM


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