This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Well, i did lose. So i gotta do what i said. To give my team some credit, we are a dome team and seldom play in freezing weather. That doesn't, however, change the fact that my team badly lost. By the end of this week i'll have the pic posted. Damn you lady luck, and your sense of humor!


Blogger BigBill said...

I will be watching!!! I am a graceful winner I won't gloat..MUHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Man that was a great game for Chicago fans!!! I actually had to give up tickets I had. I had to finish X-mas shopping with the wife... I would have been in the dog house for a long time if I would have sent her out on her own!!! We made it home in time to see the game... I will post on my site tonight the good news....Woooo whoooooo!!!! Go Bears!

2:28 PM

Blogger Tigre said...

It was an ugly day for Falcon's fans.

3:21 PM

Blogger BigBill said...

What did you say about ugly Falcon fans?
Packers are next!!!!
Freakin Cheeseheads!!!!

6:21 AM


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