This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Friday, December 23, 2005

last post before 2006

I'm going home to the land of ATL starting 24 Dec and will return 2 Jan. If i find a computer that doesn't dial up i'll check in wit ya'll. It's been a great year, and the blog world has rocked this year. Thanks to everybody for makin cool blogs, and thanks for those of ya'll who even stopped by my blog to say hi, or'go to hell', or i hate you, or nice blog, or 'i think you're a moron and i would like it if you did not live anymore.' I always appreciate a good comment. The panties pic will be taken... I PROMISE... I was on the Atlanta news for a triple kiss in 2004, so maybe ya'll will see me there. I go downtown for the New Year's Eve Peach Drop! God Bless...or Intelligent Designer Bless to some...or good cell reproduction bless to the atheists...and go to hell terrorists!

Lil' John Interactive (thanks again to devilducky)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have yourself a good Christmas, too.

1:12 PM

Blogger cbar said...

hey thanks for stopping by my blog.
Have a great holiday!!
and happy new years!!!

1:21 PM

Blogger Mike said...

You're right, the French DO suck! Thanks for stopping by!

7:12 PM

Blogger Blondie... said...

I am very much looking forward to the panties picture...hehe

Take care!

11:35 PM


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