This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Monday, February 27, 2006

what the heck, i mean gosh darnitt.


Blogger Tigre said...


1:55 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

omg, the evolution picture is horrible.

oh, btw,, adoration, yes. he is my best friends older bro, i guess i had a crush on him like a couple years ago...but yeah, i guess it did sound as if i am in love with the dude. oh well...

8:23 PM

Blogger Chinonye O. aka SincereCaramel said...

J-love you are wrong for that! Yes, the evolution picture was bad. But the picture of the kids was cute in a "those bratty kids, where the hell is their Momma?" sort of way.

1:16 PM

Blogger Leila said...

oh no! how awful!

3:47 PM


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