This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Monday, January 30, 2006

hoover damn i'm good lookin

i'm back!!!!

These are some pics of the 'valley of Las Vegas' the place i call home.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

i see u

if you have kids and wanna know where the nearest sex offenders live, use the link below.
protect your kids

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

for people who came here from the email

Click here for the best vacuums ever!

at a conference

I'm currently away from my office, i'm in downtown Las Vegas at a communicable disease course learning about STD's. I'll be sure to share some of the knowledge i get, and can someone give me an update on "Where's Candi," my investigating monkeys only seem to hang around the office and throw poo at each other, so unproffessional. Check out the picture of the warts, it's sweet isn't it... i bet that guy could really please a woman with that!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

political humor

my 'where's Candi' investigating team

Monday, January 09, 2006

state of the blog address

ok, it's time for me to lay out the blog goals for the year. The title of the Blog is our world, and as i've shown i very much enjoy it when people leaning left post their comments. I very rarely lose my temper and always consider what they have to say...look at how they taught me ID was not a theory... since this is 'our' world, both sides always have a say. I wanna engage other blogs, RHSP, Scorcho, Bill, LightningBuggsButt, blondie, Vozdra, Matt Gulde, and Risen Soul, also many others. The ultimate goal is a little game the webstormed team(just me) would like to call where's Candi, we're gonna make contact with Candi and get her back. I'm sendind an elf, dwarf, wizard, 2 hobbits, and two men to travel across the digital world and real world to find her, the 'lord of the erected middle ring finger.' You're either with us(me), or you're against us. If i'm tasked to go into the desert then i guess we can put the blog on hold, cause the mission comes first, but i haven't yet so let's keep on keepin on!

Friday, January 06, 2006

where's Candi

it just so happens that one of my favorite Blog guests and friend is missing from the blog world. I have a torch flame visual in my side bar for her till she's found. If anyone has any information you can post it and we can find her. I just hope she wasn't kindnapped by the serial blog kidnapper. The flame will remain on till we find her!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

paying up the bet

I lost a bet and i gotta keep my word. This pic will only stay on here until 1200 hrs today, due to the sensitivity of my work.

too late the pic is gone.