This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 4

She called me last night, and i made the mistake of answering the phone. I wanted some closure so i went for it, and all i got was more $h#t. I was basically told that i was tossed the side for some meanial reasons, and that she did love me and that we should still be friends. Why the crap would she call me? Why would she do that if it wasn't to just mess with my head. After all of that i realized that yes, she simply got bored with a good guy, and disposed of me. The warning signs were there, but i was blind. She lied to me, and to know that allows me to actually be mad now, which helps me to move forward. Thanks for the advice friends. As i prepare to deploy into the desert this fall, i will be recovered and ready to kick some ass. At least we broke up before then. I feel better today, almost optimistic about the move on. One day at a time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No bloody silence, just tons of work to do.

And I cannot remember my password... KURAT

And, yes, lets get merried, really good idea.


8:02 AM

Blogger Janelle said...

Okay, now she is just playing mind games with you. When she calls, she knows that it gives you a tiny bright piece of hope, that just maybe, you will get back together. Since she is constantly telling you that she wants to be friends makes me think that she wants you around just in case things with another beau do not work out. I think her plans for you may be "rebound".

This is going to be hard, but what you really need to do it start to treat her how she is treating you. She will be REALLY miffed by this, mind you, since women really do want full controll of relationships. Hopefully she will get the clue. I will remind you again that it is REALLY REALLY hard to say things like that to someone you love.

When you are in the desert, waist all your energy on the "bad guys". I am just curious, but is anybody wrong for fightening for what they believe in??? Both sides believe their reason for fighting is justified...It was just a thought.

Let us know how it is going for you.

8:19 AM

Blogger Zen Wizard said...

She called you for the same reason a cat plays with a mouse after it catches it--she wants to see how much she can f*ck with you before she totally lops off your 'nads.

Next time she calls, do this and exactly this:

Say, in a real, relaxed, mumbly voice like you just did a bong hit: "I am sorta busy right now, and...." then trail off mumbling some shit that she can't understand and hang up.

This will fuck with her head--she will wonder, "Busy doing what? He hung up on me--holy shit, it must be another chick!"

Then when she calls back immediately, don't answer. Talk to her under no circumstances for at least a week.

Women want "closure." In "Feminese," "Closure" means, "Reducing your male ego to a pile of rubble, until you are so emasculated, you can become one of her eunuch 'guy friends' like her hairdresser."

Don't give her what she wants!

9:08 AM

Blogger Janelle said...

Right on! Power to the Zen!

10:45 AM


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