Clouds of Jupiter
Hello my friends. I know, i know, i've been gone for a while without explanation. I am sorry. I type before you a broken hearted man. I started seeing her, and stopped blogging. In fact i stopped doing a lot of things, the things that made me happy. I did everything that made her happy, and stopped doing the "ME" things. I didn't play basketball at the gym, i didn't workout, i didn't blog, i didn't watch as much TV, etc. I stopped my world for her, because of the "L" word, i call it that because the word itself makes me sick right now. I did all the things that a man is suppose to do for his woman, ALL THE THINGS. In the end that was what i did wrong. When a woman gets what she most needs and wants, she doesn't want it anymore. I should have been a jerk, an assh@le, all the things that they claim to hate; and i should have mixed that up with being a good boyfriend too. Kinda keeping them on their feet, and always wanting more. But then again, that would made me miserable acting like something i'm not. She sat me down and told me we should "take a break," and she wants to "still be friends," and that she was going through things and it wasn't my "fault." F#%K THAT $H#T! I'm a good guy, and we always get shat on. Now i have to recover, it hurts and it'll be slow, but i'll do it. Today my friends, i joined the Woman Haters Club (WHC). Over my heart and ominous sky, the clouds of jupiter in my eyes.
Forget that chick, if for no other reason than that everything out of her mouth is a cliche'.
Two words: Strip club, duder!
(Well, without the "duder" salutation, it would be two words.)
If you were in Atlanta, I would say, Blue Flame. But if you are on U.S. controlled territory, I am sure there is a sufficiently sleazy equivalent.
If budget allows, hire a really high-priced escort and go to a place where that chick always goes for a little "guy revenge." Even if she isn't there, the Feminista Mafia will tell her about it.
Then, when she does the inevitable, "I have thought about it, and you are not as much of a wuss-bag as I thought..."-phone call, YOU dump HER!!
2:29 PM
The words of the wizard are wise, and makes me feel better. It's like she's stuck in my head. I couldn't sleep last night cause i was thinking about her and I all night. It'll be a few weeks before i get back to normal, but it's good to be back in the blog world. By the way, i notice that J-love removed comments.
8:49 AM
Yes, j-love removed comments--I think it was because it hurt his feelings when everyone said how lame the University of Arizona is.
It is really, REALLY tough to get a woman that is stuck in your head out of your head. The younger you are, the tougher it is.
I would recommend hypnotherapy--like a hypnotherapist would, like, get you in a deep trance and have you, say, envision her floating away into the distance in a big balloon.
One simple hypnotherapy technique is to envision her on an old early Sixties TV, and envision yourself hitting a remote, and first tthe color goes away, then like an old TV, she fades into a dot. I know Sixties TV's didn't have remotes, but you take "imaginary license with this.)
A really harsh Behaviorist technique is to wear a rubber band on your wrist, and every time you think about her, snap your wrist with the rubber band.
None of these are foolproof--the only real cure for getting over a woman whom you thought was "The One" is to go out and shag a different woman.
That sounds harsh, but that is the only thing that worked 100% for me.
Obviously nowadays you gotta be careful because you are very vulnerable right now, and there are some crazy b!tches out there...
2:13 PM
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