This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Friday, March 03, 2006

chuck norris

Chuck Norris came to my base today and visited with us, i mean freakin Chuck Norris. He came to renew our license to kill, it's been renewed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck is the man. Period.

6:22 PM

Blogger Zen Wizard said...

Chuck Norris doesn't sign autographs--he stares at the pen until it writes his name out of FEAR...

9:07 PM

Blogger Gordon Strachan said...

Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer...

11:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A duck’s quack does not echo. Chuck Norris is solely responsible for this phenomenon. When asked why he will simply stare at you, grimly.

7:27 PM


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