This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

animals are freakin sweet


Blogger SuperGirl said...

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3:50 AM

Blogger Tigre said...

well, thank you...supergirl, i find myself saying the same thing as i stare in the mirror every morning for 3 hours.

8:26 AM

Blogger Rockantzy said...

The "cuteness" about animals is the reason I don't annnihilate them all, lucky them.

10:14 AM

Blogger Tigre said...

you and Chuck Norris.

11:47 AM

Blogger Zen Wizard said...


1:45 PM

Blogger Share My World. . . said...

well, thank you...supergirl, i find myself saying the same thing as i stare in the mirror every morning for 3 hours.

You are crazy!!!! LOL!!!

12:27 PM

Blogger Rockantzy said...

On second thought "cute" annoys me..annihilation time!

12:52 PM

Blogger Zen Wizard said...

I didn't notice it before, but the squirrel with the rabbit blow-up doll is just plain wrong!

1:28 PM


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