This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


1) Is CNN biased towards the Bush administration?

2) Will you vote Democrat or Republican next election(i understand there are no candidates, but let's just pretend)?

3) Are there really gay cowboys?

4) Did you watch that gay movie Broke Back Mountain?


Blogger Zen Wizard said...

1) yes.

2) Democrat; but because of the economy not international policy.

3) Relatively few. Billy the Kid was allegedly one.

4) No; but I would suffer through it if I thought I would get laid. (Er--with a chick...)

5:13 PM

Blogger Gordon Strachan said...

1) Definitely. Did you see Crossfire with Jon Stewart guesting?
2) Sadly I can't vote, being Scottish an' all, but I'm begging folk to get Bush out.
3)There are no gay cowboys, only gay shepherds.
4)Oh yes. It was an... um... experience.

5:03 AM

Blogger Rockantzy said...

1. Rockantzy rules

2. I would vote for Rockantzy if he were running.

3. I'm in Texas there are no gay cowboys in sight.

4. If I were really desperate to see a movie..maybe.

5. While Chuck Norris is cool, Rockantzy is the reason Chuck Norris is cool. In fact Rockantzy blew his nose and something came out, Rockantzy named it Chuck Norris.

The Raptor is the bomb!

I've been MIA for a while but i'm back on!

10:04 AM

Blogger Rockantzy said...

Tigre, dissapointed with the follow up here...where do you stand on these topics ?

11:06 AM


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