This blog is basically for me to describe how i feel about crap that goes on, and to try to find my old friends who i haven't seen in ages.

Friday, June 30, 2006

happy friday

I'm busy today ya'll, so here's my token to you On this friday!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

crazy pic of the day

pics of the day

If you were these two, what exactly would be crossing your mind at this moment, seriously think about it.

no need for explanation on this one

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

hometown blues

i got the blues frieds, my home town team is losing pretty bad this year. Not just losing, they're being whipped up on. They're the team you wanna play when you're doing bad, and as an Atlanta Braves fan i'm hurtin. My heart is sore from watching all of those games my team blew. At least our US World Cup team did good right?

You mean to tell me that all of the hype that they exuded(spell check, dictionary check too) was all just for show? You mean that they went out there talk a bunch of sh#t and then got worked up? Huh, how did that happen?

Monday, June 26, 2006

a quick break from politics

Before we go into more politics, i just figured we would get a good laugh. I've been blogging on this Left America Blog(featured on my side panel), and apparently a Republican has never blogged with them. They respect, enjoy, and often disagree/hate my opinions. I like hearing theirs too.

Friday, June 23, 2006


OK, let me calm down.......a little more. OK. These SOB's from Montebello Highschool in California walked out of school as part of an immigration protest(though they couldn't name the law they were protesting, who wrote it, what comittee wrote it, etc). They pulled down the American flag, and put up the Mexican flag. Under the mexican flag they raised the US flag upside down and had a fiesta around the pole over it....calm yourself, then see pics below.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

my strategy for Iraq

well, i'm no politician but as an aspiring poli-sci major and American(which means i get to speak as if i have the credentials to support my opinion) i would like to give my 2 cents(1.64 Euros) on an eventual pull out. Here is my plan.........
1. Train a solid Iraqi intelligence agency
2. Simutaneously train Iraqi security forces
3. In phases transfer security to sections of the country to Iraqi forces
4. At the same time withdraw our troops in phases
5. Allow Iraqi intelligence to infiltrate the insurgency and let them start taking out insurgents from within
6. As the bodies of dead insurgents somehow appear in the streets every(out of no where), over flow the cities(in phases) with security forces
7. Offer big rewards for information leading to insurgents(the iraqis
8. After this process is played out all but 10-20,000 forces will have been withdrawn.
9. Maintain one base in the country(to the south very close to the Kuwaiti border) as a base of operation, as a reminder to Syria and Iran, and as incentive for Syria and Iran to end support for the insurgency so that we will completely leave.
10. While 9 is wishful thinking, i'm sure we'll retain a presence in Iraq regardless.
11. Braves have an awesome 2nd half win their 15 division title in a row, make the world series, and lose in 6 games.
12. Mike Vick and the Falcons win the Superbowl
13. The New York Mets realize that they're not good so the team is dismantled and the stadium turned into a parking lot for Yankee stadium.

THE END. For all of my liberal "friends"... i know you're going to tear this one apart, but please add your own ideas... i hate whining.

bride from hell

Women want their wedding day to be special, and we go out of our way to make sure it happens. No matter what stress we have to deal with, money we have to spend, dances we have to do we get it done. The bride below wanted to make sure her husband's day was also special, and she sure made it happen! I'm in no hurry to settle down, and even have a plan to marry at or around the age of thirty. I want to enjoy my youth, travel, live, be spontaneous, be frivolous(spell check). When i do decide to settle down with the woman of my dreams(aka the hott as$ italian talk show host featured on my site) i don't want any regrets, i want to be able to know that i lived my life, and that when i have kids(little ba$tards) that i'm not being held down...i want to know that i lived my life and now i live for them. Not like some parents who try to live their youth while they have kids, and end up failing as parents. I was just reflecting and wanted to share it, this chick i'm somewhat seeing has been calling and texting me daily. She complains that i don't call her everyday, and i just needed to reflect what i wanted to say to her. "And this bird you cannot change"..till he's 30(on or about). I'm preparing to finish my service with the military and am moving to Phoenix, probably, at the end of the month...unless the military asks me to stay on longer, in which case i will. Live life! Have no regrets, but be responsible! That was your webstorm corny message for the day. Now enjoy the pic below.

Monday, June 19, 2006

animals are freakin sweet, part 2

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

new immigration game!

Check out this cool immigration game, it's sweeet.
Cool new immigration game

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

sorry for the absence

I been bsuy with paper work and getting ready to leave the military. There was a thunderstorm the other night in the city and here is a picture from the flight line of some of the lightning we had.

Friday, June 09, 2006

whose the daddy

for those of you unable to view te video click here

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

it's been a whiles

here's why we don't take gramps to Mardi Gras